Introducing the Faculty

The faculty of law and political sciences was conferred legitimacy under the provisions of the executive decree No. 198-10 on August 25, 2010 with two departments: Law and Political Sciences

Department of Law: reference: resolution No. 97/157 on 10/05/1997

Offered Degrees

Bachelor of Arts in Law (LMD)

Major/speciality/ specialisation: Private Law – Public Law

Master of Arts in Law: Major/speciality/ specialisation: International Relations – Business Law – Real Estate – Contracts and Responsibility

Sectors benefiting from the Department’s Degree Holders: justice sector – Judicial Aides – Public Administrations – Economic Sector Institutions – Generally, all activity sectors

Department of Political Sciences: reference: the Ministerial resolution on 30/09/2011
Study System: in the first and second years, the study is organized in the form of core curriculum. In the third year, the students are offered the following specialisations: General/ Public Administration – International Economic Relations. In the Master degree offers two specialisations: Human Resources Management + International Relations

Professional Prospects After Graduation: Public administration (state – province – municipality – public institutions) – economic institutions – media – diplomacy and external affairs – security corps (gendarmerie – army) – statutory bodies such as customs and civil protection (fire fighting/ civil defence) – possibility to pursue postgraduate studies

Management is key in higher education and scientific research inasmuch as it is indicative of the rationality and good governance of competent individuals who master the scientific ABSs of management and are equipped with expertise, integrity, work ethics, control and problem-solving skills. With such assets, the university can redress the imbalances and achieved the aspired objectives with efficiency and steadiness.
The faculty implements a well-defined strategy that is determine by law and of the volition of all concerned classes: teachers, managers, employees and students.
The strategy proceeds from the following practical approach:
Optimum utilisation of pedagogical time
Pedagogical activity management
Qualitative and quantitative improvement of the training productivity
Full coverage of the educational syllabi
Strictness and rectitude in evaluation and testing
Rational control of the administrative and pedagogical management in consonance with the assigned authorities
The evaluation of the scientific and pedagogical activity reflects the appreciation of the effort and the pedago-scientific performance and the encouragement of entitlement, performance enhancement and rivalry/competition among researchers and lecturers, which led to the marked enlargement of professorship (the highest academic title). Such preferment is indicative of the aspired scientific development.