Research Projects:
Project Type (CNEPRU, PNR, international to precise, Others): CNEPRU (PRFU)
Research Project: N°.01
Title of Project: Development of new lightweight concrete based on materials
and local waste for sustainable construction in arid and semi-arid areas.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: BEDERINA Madani, Pr
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2019 ; code: A01L02 UN0301 2019 0003.
Project Duration: 04 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Project Type (CNEPRU, PNR, international to precise, Others): CNEPRU (PRFU)
Research Project: N°.02
Title of Project: Behavior of structural elements reinforced with dune-alluvial-limestone sand mortars.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2019 ; code: A01L02UN030120190001.
Project Duration: 04 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.03
Title of Project: Contribution to the circular economy of concrete through the eco-design of the binder and local aggregate resources
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Bouziani Tayeb, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2018 ; code: A01L02UN030120180001.
Project Duration: 04 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.04
Title of Project: Contribution to the study of physico-mechanical behavior and durability of polymer mortars
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Makhloufi Zoubir, Pr
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2018 ; code: A01L02UN030120180006
Project Duration: 04 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.05
Title of Project: Effects of environmental factors on the durability of sand dune – alluvial – limestone sand mortars
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2016 ; code: A01L02UN030120150001
Project Duration: 04 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.06
Title of Project: Numerical modeling of concrete elements reinforced with FRP bars under thermal and mechanical loads
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2015 ; code: J0400820140003
Project Duration: 03 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.07
Title of Project: Durability of concrete and mortars based on local materials and wastes in semi – arid environment
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Bederina Madani, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2014 ; code: J0400 820 20130009
Project Duration: 03 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.08
Title of Project: Investigation of the effect of assemblies by welded flats on the lateral torsional buckling of steel beams
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Amara Salah, M.C.A
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2013 ; code: J0400820120015
Project Duration: 03 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.09
Title of Project: Formulation and Performance of composite materials based on dune sand and limestone sand
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2012 ; code: J0400820110002
Project Duration: 03 years
Research Project: N°.10
Title of Project: Valorization of dune Sand in thebuildingsector:Application to theprefabrication of building blocks
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Lamara Mohamed, M.C.A
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2010 code: P 00 820090012.
Project Duration: 03 years
Research Project: N°.11
Title of Project: Thermal effect on the behavior of FRP bar-reinforced concrete structures under mechanical load
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2010 ; code: J0400820090004
Project Duration: 03 years
Research Project: N°.12
Title of Project:Improved of thermo-phonic properties ofconcretelightened with wastesand its contributionin durable development
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: KHENFER Mohamed Mouldi, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2007 code: M 00 82 00 700 12.
Project Duration: 03 years
Research Project: N°.13
Title of Project: Performance of dune sand mortars reinforced with natural fibers.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Bouhicha Mohamed, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2007 Code: J.0400820070010
Project Duration: 03 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.14
Title of Project:Valorization oflocal materials andwaste and the investigation of theireffect on the behaviorof concrete
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: KHENFER Mohamed Mouldi, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2005 code: J.0301 – 04 – 08- 2005.
Project Duration: 02 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.015
Title of Project: Study of concrete and mortar based on Mesozoic limestone aggregates of Laghouat region.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: BOUHICHA Mohamed, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 2003 – code: J.0301 – 04 – 01- 2003.
Project Duration: 02 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Research Project: N°.016
Title of Project: Structural and rheological characterization of local building materials.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: KHENFER Mohamed Mouldi, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved in 1999 – code: J/0301/ 04 06/ 99/
Project Duration: 03 years
Partner (if applicable): ……………………………
Project Type (CNEPRU, PNR, international to precise, others): PNR
Research Project: N°.01
Title of Project: Performance of composite materials based onFRPand dune sand forrehabilitation ofstructures
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Zaidi Ali, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved on 04/06/2011 ; code: Nº.16/u03/5275
Project Duration: 02 years
Partner (if applicable): SARL Seter-Sud Ouargla (Algeria)
Research Project: N°.02
Title of Project: Valorization of filler and dune sands in the construction sector.
Surname & Name, and grade of Project Chief: Bederina Madani, Pr.
Approval Date and Code: Approved on June 2011 / 7/u03/591.
Project Duration: 02 years
Partner (if applicable): HOSNI Abdelkader – CTC Laghouat (Algeria)
Magisters and doctoral school opened:
Magister Graduation in “Composite Materials and Structures Calculation”:
Domain: Science and Technique
Title: Composite Materials and Structures Calculation
Opening Date: September 2012
Number of Students: 06
Scientific Responsible: Zaidi Ali
LMD Doctoral Graduation in “Materials and Structures Analysis”:
Domain: Science and Technique
Title: Materials and Structures Analysis
Opening Date: September 2013
Number of Students: 06 (2013) + 06 (2014)
Scientific Responsible: Zaidi Ali
Supervision of doctoral project in science (classic) and doctoral project in 3th cycle (D-LMD):
PhD Candidate Name | Makhloufi Zoubir |
Date of Defence | October 2012, University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudhiaf – Oran |
Supervisor | Benaissa Abdelatif – Bouhicha Mohamed |
Doctoral Title | Effet des additions minérales sur le comportement physico-mécanique et sur la durabilité des bétons calcaires dans les zones arides. |
PhD Candidate Name | Bouziani Tayeb |
Date of Defence | June 2013, University of Boumerdes |
Supervisor | Benmounah Abdelbaki |
Doctoral Title | Formulation et caractérisation d’un béton de sable fibré autoplçant |
PhD Candidate Name | Bellakehal Hizia |
Date of Defence | October 2014, University of Laghouat |
Supervisor | Zaidi Ali Co- Supervisor : Masmoudi Radhouane |
Doctoral Title | Évaluation de l’effet combiné de charges thermiques et mécaniques sur le comportement des structures en béton armé de barres en PRF |
PhD Candidate Name | Belhadj Belkacem |
Date of Defence | 14 April 2016, University of Laghouat |
Supervisor | Bederina Madani |
Doctoral Title | Contribution à la valorisation des matériaux et des déchets locaux pour la formulation de bétons de sables légers isolants – porteurs destinés à la construction en milieux arides -cas de la ville de Laghouat- |
PhD Candidate Name | Zaitri Rebih |
Date of Defence | 02 june 2016, University of Laghouat |
Supervisor | Bederina Madani |
Doctoral Title | Effet de l’ajout de Calcaire et de Sable de dune Broyés sur le Comportement Physico-Mécaniques et sur la Durabilité des Bétons à Hautes Performances |
Scientific Manifestations organized:
International Conferences:
Conference Name: The first International Conference of Civil Engineering ICCE’ 2012
Date and locality: 06-07 November 2012, University of Laghouat
Committees: International Scientific Committee composed from 36 members of different countries (Algeria, Canada, France, Japan, Australia, UK etc.)
Proceedings in Pdf or URL:
Study Days:
Title: Study day on Technical requirements, Building materials and pathology
Date and locality: 05 May 2011, University of Laghouat