Religious tourism from an educational and marketing perspective. The International Conference on Religious Tourism in Algeria, March 13/14, 2019. Research Centre of Islamic Sciences and Civilization, Laghouat.
National Interventions
- Experiences on Child Abuse by Parents in childhood and the psychological compatibility in adolescence. The second national Conference on Vulnerable groups in Algeria –reality and Treatment. Ammar Thelidji University, 14/25 April, 2016.
- Psychological dimensions of violence in the school environment. Study day on the culture of tolerance: civilized intellectual foundations, organized by the Algerian Association of Philosophical Studies, Laghouat, El Sheikh El-Bachir Al Ibrahimi Library. 17/11/2016.
- Pre-Marital counselling before marriage”, a Study Day on guiding the youth before marriage, Laghouat University, 12/10/2018.
- Guidance theory as an Islamic cognitive method for solving social problems. National Conference on Islamization of knowledge, University of Laghouat, 28 February 2019.
- An attempt to explain the concept of Islamization of knowledge. The National Conference on Islamization of Knowledge, Laghouat University, August 28, 2019
- The importance of time in civilization by Malik bin Nabi – practical prospects. The National Conference about Malek Bin Nabi: Theory and Practice, Mostaganem University, Algeria, April 21, 2015.
- Management quality indicators in light of university legislations – Laghouat University as a model.- “The National Conference on the quality of Algerian Universities, University of Batna, Algeria, May 14, 2014.
- Modelling the structural equation: conceptual assumptions and epistemological insights. Study day on modelling and its applications in social sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria, February 24, 2016.
- An exploratory study of the quality of training in the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Teachers in Laghouat. The second national Conference on keeping up with the other higher teacher-training colleges according to the requirements of the educational system reforms. Bouzarriaa, Algeria, November, 29/30, 2016.
- A survey on the quality of laboratory works in the faculty of sciences at Ammar Thelidji University in Laghouat. The National Conference on the quality of the Algerian University, University of Batna 1, Algeria, May 11/12, 2015.
- The Prevalence of Psychological Disorders among Ammar Thelidji University Students in Laghouat. The National Conference on Psychological Health, University of Laghouat, Algeria, 11/12 May, 2015.
Psychiatry in the Islamic Maghreb. The National Conference on the Islamization of Knowledge, University of Laghouat, 28 February 2019.