Research Projects

University Training Research Projects (UTRPR)

1 Title of the Project Evaluative Analytical Study to apply the Competency-Based approach in primary schools
Code of the Project R 00820100031 Year of accreditation 2011
2 Title Characteristics of the Algerian Personality: A Psycho-Sociological and Anthropological Study
Code I 05L07UN0301 Year of accreditation 2011
3 Title Early Childhood Problems in the Algerian Environment
Code R 00820130025 Year of accreditation 2013
4 Title Communication crisis in Arabic philosophical speeches.
Code R 00820090020 Year of accreditation 2014
5 Title Academic Learning Difficulties of Mathematics. A Psycho-Cognitive Study.
Code R 00820140012 Year of accreditation 2014