The electrical engineering département of the Faculty of Technology was created in July 2011, after the division of electrical engineering into two departments, namely the electronics départment and the electrotechnical départment, and as part of the reforms that the university has experienced, the system has been adopted for LMD (Licence -Master – Doctorate). This has opened new horizons for students towards specializations compatible with future needs, whether in the field of scientific research or in the applied field oriented to the industrial sector
The Electrotechnical Department provides training in several disciplines in the field of science and technology divided into three sectors:
Electrotechnical  : where the student studies at the licence in electrotechnical specialization, then at the master four specializations:
-Electrical networks
-Electric controls
-Electric machine
-Industrial electrotechnics
Electromechanical  : where the student studies at the licence  in electromechanical specialization then at the master with: electromechanical
Automatic  : where the student studies at the License with specialization in mechanics, then at the master with a: Automatic and system