Author: vrelex
Chinese Government Scholarship Programme 2025-2026
Envoi_399-SDMEP-DCEU_27-1162024_Bourses Chine 25-26
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Call for nominations _ the UNESCO-Al-Fozan International Prize
The Regional Conference of Central Universities CRUC announces the launch of the call for nominations for the 12th 2024 edition of the UNESCO-Al-Fozan Prize for the Promotion of Young Scientists in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Established by UNESCO’s Executive Board, this prize is awarded every two years to five talented young scientists under the age of 40, from each of UNESCO’s five geographical regions, for their contribution to research, education or cooperation. The winners will receive US$50,000 to launch their careers and disseminate their ideas more widely.
Applications can be submitted until 15 April 2025 via the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture or the UNESCO Chairs.
The application process will take place online via the following link:
Further information can be obtained by consulting the attached document or by sending an email to the prize secretariat at:
Applications should be sent to and then forwarded to the relevant department in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.