Tasks of V.R.D.P.O:

The vice rectorate charge of development, prospective and orientation is responsible to perform the following tasks :

Vice-Rectorate Services:

         1 statistics and prospective analysis service.

         2 Orientation and information Service .

         3 monitoring of the University’s construction and equipment  programmes Service.

Presentation of V.R.D.P.O: 

The vice rector charge of development, prospective and orientation

Docteur Hadjoudja Mourad

Specialization: Civil Engineering

N° Tel .Fax:029-14-54-30

POST :108

E-mail: m.hadjoudja@lagh-univ.dz

Statistics and prospective analysis service

Head of Department Mr : MOSTEFAOUI ABDELKADE

N° Tel .Fax: 029-14-54-30

POST :120

E-mail :a.mostefaoui@lagh-univ.dz

Orientation and information Service

Head of Department: 

N°Tel .Fax: 029-14-54-30


E-mail :  

Monitoring of construction and equipment  programmes Service.

Head of Department: Mr CHETTIH TAYAB

N° Tel .Fax:  029-14-54-30

POST :149

E-mail :T.chettih@lagh-univ.dz