Scientific Production_LIM

Scientific production (Team title 1 : Parallel and distributed systems)

Type of publication Nb Entitled Journal / proceeding











CLPS: context-based location privacy scheme for VANETs INT J AD HOC UBIQ CO
BRT: Bus-Based Routing Technique in Urban Vehicular Networks IEEE T INTELL TRANSP
UAVassisted supporting services connectivity in urban VANETs, 68(4), p 3944-3951 IEEE T VEH TECHNOL
Leveraging Communicating UAVs for Emergency VehicleGuidance in Urban Areas IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC
Routing in Flying Ad hoc Networks: Survey, Constraints and FutureChallenge Perspectives, 5, p 81057-81105 IEEE ACCESS
ECaD: Energy-Efficient Routing in Flying Ad hocNetworks, INT J COMMUN SYST
U2RV:UAV-assisted reactive routing protocol for VANETs INT J COMMUN SYST
Intelligent UAV-Assisted Routing Protocol for Urban VANETs, 107, p 93-111 COMPUT COMMUN
A Survey on Position-based Routing Protocols for Flying Ad hoc Networks (FANETs) ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
A Distributed Time-limited multicast algorithm for VANETs using incremental power strategy, 145, p 141-155 COMPUT NETW
Low overhead communication-induced checkpointing protocols ensuring rollback-dependency trackability property: Low overhead CIC protocols ensuring RDT property CONCURR COMP-PRACT E
EPRV: Efficient PseudonymRevocation in VANETs, vol38 AD HOC SENS WIREL NE
Optimal mobile beacon trajectories for nodes localisation in wireless sensor networks INT J AD HOC UBIQ CO
a novel fault-tolerant K-mutual exclusion  algorithm for mobile and opportunistic ad hoc networks, 16(2), pp 176-197 International Journal of Information and communication Technology
  Carrier Sense with Slotted-ALOHA Multiple Access MAC in Vehicular Network International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems




International communication







On-Demand Routing for Urban VANETs using Cooperating UAV 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT), AtElOued, Algeria
-UAV-assisted reactive routing for urban VANETs The 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing-2017
Location privacy scheme for VANETs International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNeT)
Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Conference: International Conference on Engineering and Management Information Systems (ICEMIS 2016), At Agadir, Morocco


national communication





Conditional Privacy Preservation for VANET Safety Applications International Workshop on Cryptography and its Applications – IWCA’ 2016
Design of an Interface for Authentication through the Electronic Directory Service OpenLDAP : The 2nd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems



Scientific production (Team title2 : MANETs and VANETs networks: protocols, applications and performance)


Type of publication Nb Entitled Journal / proceeding
















TFDD: A trust-based framework for reliable data delivery and DoS defense in VANETs ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
Intelligent UAV-assisted routing protocol for urban VANETs. COMPUT COMMUN
UAV-assisted technique for the detection of malicious and selfish nodes in VANETs ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
Renting Out Cloud Services in Mobile Vehicular Cloud IEEE T VEH TECHNOL
A distributed time-limited multicast algorithm for VANETs using incremental power strategy COMPUT NETW
On Link Stability Metric and Fuzzy Quantification for Service Selection in Mobile Vehicular Cloud IEEE T INTELL TRANSP
A MulticonstrainedQoS-Compliant Routing Scheme for Highway-Based Vehicular Networks WIREL COMMUN MOB COM
TACASHI: Trust-Aware Communication Architecture for Social Internet of Vehicles., 6(4): 5870-5877 IEEE INTERNET THINGS
Optimal mobile beacon trajectories for nodes localisation in wireless sensor networks. 29(1/2): 64-76 INT J AD HOC UBIQ CO
A Trusted Lightweight Communication Strategy for Flying Named Data Networking SENSORS-BASEL
EPRV: Efficient PseudonymRevocation in VANETs AD HOC SENS WIREL NE
Low overhead communication-induced checkpointing protocols ensuring rollback-dependency trackability property CONCURR COMP-PRACT E
NextRoute: a lossless model for accurate mobility prediction, 1-21 J AMB INTEL HUM COMP
UNION: A trust model distinguishing intentional and UNIntentional misbehavior in inter-UAV communicatiON J ADV TRANSPORT
A Trust Framework to Detect Malicious Nodes in Cognitive Radio Networks MDPI
GeoUAVs: A new geocast routing protocol for fleet of UAVs COMPUT COMMUN
Introduction to the Special Section on Recent Advancements in Flying ad hoc Networks COMPUT ELECTR ENG
Towards a Trusted Unmanned Aerial System Using Blockchain (BUAS) for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure T EMERG TELECOMMUN T
Realization of Blockchain in Named Data Networking-based Internet-of-Vehicles IT PROF
Secure and Privacy-Aware Incentives-based Witness Service in Social Internet of Vehicles Clouds IEEE INTERNET THINGS
MyRoute: A Graph-Dependency Based Model for Real-Time Route Prediction  














International communication



















WeiSTARS: A weighted trust-aware relay selection scheme for VANET 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Vehicular Cloud Service Provider Selection: A Flexible Approach GLOBECOM 2017 – 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference
On the Human Factor Consideration for VANETs Security Based on Social Networks 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
LocRec: Rule-Based Successive Location Recommendation in LBSN 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
GSS-VC: A game-theoretic approach for service selection in vehicular cloud 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
Behavior-aware UAV-assisted crowd sensing technique for urban vehicular environments 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
PUBLISH: A Distributed Service Advertising Scheme for Vehicular Cloud Networks 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
A New Machine Learning-based Collaborative DDoS Mitigation Mechanism in Software-Defined Network 14 th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
On the Design, Development and Implementation of Trust Evaluation Mechanism in Vehicular Networks 16th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA
Container-based Sandboxes for Malware Analysis: A Compromise Worth Considering  12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing UCC
An EEG Based Key Generation Cryptosystem using Diffie-Hellman And AES 2nd IEEE Middle East & North Africa COMMunications Conference MENACOMM
A Novel Congestion-Aware Interest Flooding Attacks Detection Mechanism in Named Data Networking 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
Reputation-aware energy-efficient solution for FANET monitoring 10th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC)
Fuzzy clustering for misbehavior detection in VANET 7 th IEEE International Conference  on  Smart Communications in  Network  Technologies  (SACONET)
Blockchain in Internet-of-Things: Architecture, Applications and Research Directions 2019 International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS)



Scientific production (Team title3 : Computer systemsmodeling and optimization)


Type of publication Nb Entitled Journal / proceeding








International publication











Efficient geometric-based computation of the string subsequence kernel 32(2): 532-559 DATA MIN KNOWL DISC


From Tree Automata to Rational Tree Expressions. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 29(6): 1045-1062 INT J FOUND COMPUT S
Crowdsourcing for Arabic Speech Corpus Annotation ProcediaComput
Tree pattern matching from regular tree expressions. Kybernetika 54 (2), pp 221-242, KYBERNETIKA
From Tree Automata to String Automata Minimization. Theory Comput. Syst. 62(5): 1203-1222 THEOR COMPUT SYST
A formal seriesbasedunication of the frequent itemset mining approaches. Knowl. Inf.Syst. 53(2): 439-477 (2017) KNOWL INF SYST
Altruistic Crowdsourcing for Arabic Speech Corpus Annotation Procedia Computer Science by ELSEVIER, ACLING 2017: 137-144 Procedia Computer Science
2L-APD: A Two-Level Plagiarism Detection System for Arabic Documents.Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 18(1). Cybernetics and Information Technologies
EfficientImplementation for DeterministicFiniteTreeAutomataMinimization. 24(4): 311-322 Journal of Computing and Information Technology
Prosody-based spoken Algerian Arabic dialect identification. Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 128, p. 9-17. Procedia Computer Science
AntMeans: A New Hybrid Algorithm based on Ant Colonies for Complex
Data Mining, International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA
Vol.60 (17): pp. 6 12,
International Journal of Computers and Applications
Algorithm and separating method for the optimisation of quadratic functions. IJCSM 8(2): 183-192 (2017) International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics





















Toward a Web-based Speech Corpus for Algerian Arabic Dialectal Varieties EACL European ACL  (WANLP)
Efficient inverted index with n-gram sampling for string matching in Arabic documents ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications
Toward a Rich Arabic Speech Parallel Corpus for Algerian Sub-Dialects LREC’16, (OSACT2). Portoroz
Enhencing the semantic Similarity for Arabic Sentences with vectors Weighting SEMEval International WorkSHOP on Semantic
WeightedAutomataSequenceKernel. 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing Singapore
Word Embedding-Based Approaches for Measuring Semantic Similarity of  arabic documents 6th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing
Toward Integrals of Rational Tree Expression Conference-School on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science
Toward Integrals of Rational Tree Expression Conference-School on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science
plagiarism detection in arabic text documents 2nd IEEE International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, 2018, Algiers
Spoken Arabic Algerian Dialect Identification. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, 2018, Algiers
  Semantic  Similarity of arabic Sentences with word Embedding 2nd Workshop on Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety (TA-COS)
Think Before Your Click: Data and Models for Adult Content in Arabic Twitter  


  Bloom Taxonomy Towards New Practices in Learning & Teaching in Higher Algerian Education


Scientific production (Team title4 : Data search and decision information systems)


Type of publication Nb Entitled Journal / proceeding




international publication







MAXPART: An efficient search-space pruning approach to vertical partitioning COMPUT INFORM
Textual aggregation approaches in OLAP context: A survey, INT J INFORM MANAGE
Efficiently mining frequent itemsets applied for textual aggregation APPL INTELL
OLAP Textual Aggregation Approach using the Google Similarity Distance.  



International communication






GOTA: Using the Google Similarity Distance for OLAP Textual Aggregation the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval The 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016,  Rome, Italy.)