Research teams

Thematic research axes of the team:

The research program of our team is to developrevolvesaroundverytopicalsubjectsthat relate to functionalanalysis, operatortheory and complexanalysiswherewe are interested in the study of certain operators on severalfunctionalspaces. Specifically, we are interested in:

1) Toeplitz operators truncated on the model space:

Since the publication of Sarason’s article in 2007, the study of truncatedToeplitzoperators has experienced intense and variedresearchactivity. This is a fertile and promisingresearchsubject, as evidenced by the manyrecent publications inspired by the questions posed by Sarason. We are more interested in the description of C * -algebragenerated by the truncatedToeplitzoperator, Carleson’s inverse inequality in model spaces, the characterization of idempotents in model spaces, etc.

2) Composition operators:

The questions addressed relate to the compactness of composition operators in Bergman, Hardy and Dirichlet type spaces, the metric and capacity description of the exceptional sets of Dirichlet type spaces.These subjects play a central role in modern complex analysis and they have important applications to approximation, control theory and spectral theory. The main objective of the project is therefore to create a new dynamic around the current problems of the theory of complex functions.

Members of the team:

Researchers Name Speciality Grade E-mail
Fatima Korrichi Mathematical MCB, U. Lagh
YagoubAmeur Mathematical MCB, U. Lagh
Chettih Ali Mathematical MAA, ENS. Lagh
MoustfaiMohamed Amine Mathematical MAA, U. Lagh
SaouliNafissa Mathematical D-LMD, U. Lagh
MaatougAljia Mathematical- D-LMD, U. Lagh
TaibiHadjer Mathematical D-LMD, U. Lagh

Team title2 : Functionalanalysis (FA).

Thematic research axes of the team :

The research program of our team is to develop the ideals of operators. Several authors have studied summing operators, nuclear for example M. Matos, A. Grothendieck, A. Pietsch, L. Mezrag, D. Achour, A. Belacel. In order to characterize and study these in several situations (positive linear, sub-linear, multilinear, polynomial, Lipschitz,…). The other essential interest is the systematic study of the pseudo-spectrum theory, a relatively new theory for possibly adding new doctoral students, and all the themes are at the interface of other themes such as probabilities and equations to partial derivatives. 

Members of the team:

Researchers Name Speciality Grade E-mail
Belacel Amar Mathematical MCA, U. lagh
BoukhhelaAhcen Mathematical MCB, U. lagh
Ismail Brahim Mathematical MCB, U. lagh
Bougoutaia Amar Mathematical MCB, U. lagh
Bouabdallah Fatiha Mathematical MCB, U. lagh
BeyKhedidja Mathematical D-LMD, U. lagh
Hamdi Halima Mathematical D-LMD, U. lagh
Hammou Asma Mathematical MAB, ENS de lagh
Bengia Fatma-Zohra Mathematical D-LMD, U. lagh


Thematic research axes of the team :

The research program aims to develop global optimizationalgorithms. It mainlyfocuses on convex and indefinitequadraticprogrammingalgorithmswithlinearconstraints. Threealgorithms have been developed and afourthisbeingdeveloped. But the main objective of the research program consists in applyingourresults to the financialfields (financial portfolio management), biometrics (face recognition …) by developingalgorithms of indefinitequadraticprogramming for machine vector supports (SVM). Its classification applications are very important for users of e-commerce, e-lurning, …    

Members of the team:

Researchers Name Speciality Grade E-mail
Chikhaoui Ahmed Computer sciences MCB, U. Tiaret
AzzouziBenazzouz Mathematical MAA, U. Lagh
Chenini Ahcène Mathematical MAA, U. Ghardaia
Saadi Achour Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh
BenmessaoudHibaterahmane Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh



Head of team :Dr. Bentobache Mohand, MCA,  

Email :

Thematic research axes of the team :  
The research program of our team aims to develop exact (theoretical) and numerical mathematical methods for solving optimization problems as well as problems of partial differential equations. It also aims at the computer implementation and the numerical experimentation of the methods developed with programming languages ​​such as Matlab and C ++ and the comparison of their performances with those of existing methods. Finally, we are interested in the applications of the tools developed for solving problems from various fields of the engineering sciences such as electronics, civil engineering, biology, economics, etc. The lines of research are then summarized in the following points:Développement de méthodes numériques de résolution des problèmes de programmation linéaire et quadratiques et application au contrôle optimal ;

–       Comparison of the methods developed with the existing methods

–       Study of the existence and the uniqueness of the solutions of certain optimization problems;

–       Study of the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of certain EDPs;

–       Development of numericalmethods for the resolution of certain types of EDPs;

–       Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Some Contact Problems in Electro-elasticity and in Electro-viscoelasticity;

–       Modeling of practical problems in the form of optimization or EDP problems and the resolution of these with the methodsdeveloped;

–       Application of the models and methods developed for the resolution of concrete problems.  

Members of the team:

Researchers Name Speciality Grade E-mail
OUCHENANE Djamel Mathematical MCA, U.Lagh
RAHMOUNE Abdelaziz Mathematical MCB, U.Lagh
BASSOUDI Mohamed Mathematical MCB, U.Lagh
ASSALI Sidi Amar Mathematical MCB, U.Lagh
YAZID Fares Mathematical MAA, U.Lagh
BELHAOUES Razik Mathematical MAA, U.Lagh
BENDJABRI Amar Mathematical MAA, U.Lagh
TELLI Mohamed Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh
DJELOUD Khalil Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh
HEBBACHE Abdelhak Mathematical MAB, U. El Bayadh
HAKMI Mohammed Amin Mathematical MAB, U.Lagh
ALIANE Mohamed Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh
KHALILI Zineb Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh

Email :

Thematic research axes of the team :
Most of the mechanicalphenomena, physical, chemical, biological or eveneconomic sciences are modeled by linear or nonlinear partial differentialequations. Understanding the properties of the solutions of theseequationsallows for betterdevelopment of these sciences. In addition, in manyindustrial and appliedfields (aeronautics, petroleum, nuclear, automotive, etc.), itisnecessary to solvesystems of fairlycomplex partial differentialequations, numerical simulation oftenreplacing more expensiveexperimental simulation. This team isintended for the theoretical as well as numericalstudy of EDPs. The team’sresearchfocuses on many aspects of the study of PDEs: linkwithharmonicanalysis, spectral analysis of PDEsfrommathematicalphysics, nonlinearequations, in particularfromfluidmechanics, kineticmodels.

Members of the team:

Researchers Name Speciality Grade E-mail
AbitaRahmoune Mathematical MCA, U. Lagh
BelabbaciChafika Mathematical MCB, U. Lagh
Chellali Sara Computer science MAA, ENS Lagh
BIdi Younes Mathematical MAA, ENS Lagh
BouhaliAissa Mathematical MAA, ENS Lagh
Aidi Mohamed Mathematical MAA, ENS Lagh
ChellaouaHouria Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh
Benzian Ahmed Mathematical D-LMD, U.Lagh