Structure Rehabilitation and materials Laboratory (SREML)

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Succinct Presentation of Laboratory:
Structure Rehabilitation and materials Laboratory (SREML) was founded in 2012 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Decree N°.145 issued April 14, 2012). Its head office is situated at the University of Laghouat, Algeria. The laboratory, regrouping many researchers and graduate students, is composed from four research teams: Structure Rehabilitation and Composite Materials, Structures, Durability of Materials, and finally Valorization and Recycling of Materials, and Environment.
The main objective of the laboratory is to valorize and recycle local materials for an eventual utilization in civil engineering constructions and also for the rehabilitation of structures. In addition, the laboratory is also interested to study static and dynamic behavior of masonry, reinforced concrete, and steel structures built in regions characterized by high temperatures and large thermal gradient.
Research Topics of Laboratory:
- Effects ofthermalandmechanicalloads on the behaviorofconcretestructuresreinforced with fiber reinforcedpolymer(FRP) bars.
- Effects of dynamic loads on the behavior of FRP tubes
- Long-term behavior of FRP composite materials (plates, bars, sheets) or plant fibers or other used for structures rehabilitation.
- Long-term behavior of high performance mortars based on plant fibers and other for repair of masonry structures.
- Long-term behavior of lime mortars based on dune and alluvial sands for repair of building terraces seals.
- Dynamic behavior of masonry walls.
- Behavior of prestressed concrete elements in hot and dry regions using concrete consisted of materials developed locally.
- Behavior of concrete elementsreinforced with steelin hot regionsusing concretebased ondunesand, crushing sand,mixture ofalluvial and dune sands, andalsobased on recycled materials(concrete,mortar, brick, glasswastes)
- Effects of restraintsto the lateralbendingand torsionproduced byassembliesofmetallic structural elements on the valueof theelastic critical momentand the lateral torsional buckling ultimate moment.
- Development of a method called components to evaluate rigidities to actual torsional and lateral bending of a beam-column assembly made by a welded flat
- Establishmentof anapproach to predict cementitious materialsdurability based onindicators of durability.
- Hydration/dryinginteractionsin cementmatrix materials.
- Experimental Study of aging on laboratory specimens and existing structures. Concrete carbonation study.
- Concrete behavior in cold environment (freeze – thaw cycles with or without salt).
- Influence ofmicro-crackingonconcretetransfer properties
- Microstructure of cementitious materials subjected to different environments
- Concrete behavior with respect to pure water, acids, sulfates and chlorides.
- ConcretePerformanceusing fine materialsotherthan cement
- Valorization of local sands (dune and crushing sands).
- Valorization of solid wastes (metal, plastics, ..).
- Effect of major environmental risks (floods) on materials of structures
Name of Team |
Chief of Team
Surname and Name |
Grade |
Mobile /Phone |
E-mail |
Page web perso |
Structure Rehabilitation and Composite Materials (SRACM) |
Zaidi Ali |
Pr. |
213-663-180-114 | | |
Structures (STRUC) |
Amara Salah |
M.C.A |
213-560-130-551 | |
Durability of Materials (DURMAT) |
Makhloufi Zoubir |
Pr |
213-775-667-281 | |
Valorization and Recycling of Materials, and Environment (VERME) |
Bederina Madani |
Pr. |
213-773-732-230 | |