Vice- Dean’s Word

We welcome all visitors of the Faculty of Letters and Languages’ ​​page, as it is a space through which we seek to clarify the structure of the Faculty’s Vice-Dean in charge of studies and issues related to students, as well as the tasks entrusted to them, hoping that it will be an important medium that enables us to answer all of your pedagogical concerns, and allow us to contribute effectively to advancement. Our Faculty ranks among the leading Faculties in its field of specialization at the national and international levels.

The proxy of the Deanship in charge of studies and issues related to students is an assistant body in the conduct of the work of the Dean of the Faculty related to pedagogical matters, and we are working with all heads of departments and workers in this office to provide for all the concerns of students seeking to fully sponsor pre-graduate students and ensure that they follow up on matters related to them, and make efforts to provide the appropriate atmosphere for university’s studies, and the advancement of knowledge in the Faculty of Letters and Languages.

Mr. DIB Lakhdar

Vice- Dean in Charge of Studies