Scholarity Services
The Head of the Service: Naima HAMIDA.
The Service’s Tasks:
- Managing records and transfers;
- The domestic educational concerns;
- Re-enrollment for Licence / Master Degrees
- Preparing the various certificates required depending on the cases (enrollment certificates);
- Keep and save files;
Holders of a Bachelor’s degree who wish to enroll for the Masters can:
Block the academic year
Change to other university
Re-enrollment of abandoned students
Withdraw and abandon the Master’s or Licence’s Degrees
Holders of New Baccalaureate Certificates
Holders of a Licence’s Degree in L.M.D. System wishing to enroll for the Masters
Academic Vacation’s Required File:
- Formal Handwritten Cover Letter.
- Justification of the freezing process (medical reason, national service, etc.).
- Certificate of enrollment for the current year.
- The genuine student card.
- Note: The file should be submitted at the level of department.
File of the Reintegration Request File for the Students who Abandoned Their Studies:
- Formal handwritten cover letter.
- A copy of the enrollment certificate for the last university year.
- Each document proves that the student can join the department: a medical certificate; a national service card.