The Service of Statistics and Orientation Data

 Head of Service: Firouz HIRECH

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The duties of the Service of Statistics, Orientation Data:

Enrolled students for the Licence’s Cycle of 2018-2019:

Departments First Year Second Year Third Year Total
Arabic Language and Literature 296 139 147 582
English 265 139 188 592
French 192 130 108 430
Spanish 109 45 32 186
Departments Specialties First Year Second Year Total
Arabic Language and Literature Ancient Arabic Literature 32 36 67
Modern and Contemporary Arabic Literature 87 87 174
Didactics of the Language 39 37 76
Arabic Linguistics 46 31 77
English Literature and Civilization 198 138 336


Didactics of Foreign Languages 73 60 133
Linguistics 42 31 73
Literature and Civilization 58 31 89
Sections Position
Professors Lecturer Category A Lecturer Category B Assistant Lecturer, Category A Assistant Lecturer, Category B Total
Arabic Language and Literature 13 15th 9 7 0 44
English 1 0 3 9 18 31
French 0 1 4 17 5 27
Spanish 0 0 2 2 4 08
Total 14 16 18 35 27 110
Departments The Certificate Obtained
Ph.D. Magister Master Licence else Total
Arabic Language  and Literature   2 0 1 1 0 4
English 0 0 0 0 0 0
French 0 0 5 0 0 5
Spanish 0 0 2 0 0 2
Total 2 0 8 1 0 11