Follow-Up Training Service

The head of the department: Noura DOUA



The  Service’s Tasks:

Following-up issues related to the training after graduation as well as university qualification and ensuring that the procedures in this field are applied.

Doctorate in Science

Enrollment and Re-Enrollment:

 First- Enrollment’s Required Documents:

Request of application for enrollment (download).

Application form for enrollment in the thesis’ topic (download).

Identification of the title: The National Portal for the Reporting of Theses (PNST), the enrollment document issued by the Faculty.

Honorary Declaration of not enrolling in any other university approved by the Municipality (download).

Copies of diplomas (Baccalaureate’s, Graduation and Magister’s Degrees).

A copy of the Magister’s report transcript (the Procés-Verbal) and academic transcript.

Birth certificate No. 12.

04 pictures with the name and surname written on the back.

Enrollment fee (200 DZD).

For students who were born outside of Algeria, the following documents must be added to the enrollment documents:

Nationality certificate.

Certificate of conformity for the certificate obtained from abroad.

Re-Enrollment’s Required Documents:

Application for re-enrollment (download).

Evaluation form (download)

Honorary Declaration not to enroll in any other university approved by in the Municipality (download)

Enrollment fee (200 DZD).

Until the fifth year, these documents must be added:

An application form asking for re-enrollment (download).

It is reinforced that re-enrollment is not automatic, and the student is required to renew his enrollment every academic year, provided that the maximum number of enrollments is limited to 05 registrations, and the candidate can be granted an exceptional sixth registration, based on approval from the Faculty’s Scientific Council (Decree No. 60 of August 19, 1998).

Note: All documents that are missing or submitted after the legal deadlines are automatically rejected.

Conditions and Documents for Thesis’s Defense(Viva):

The Ph.D. Thesis’s defense is subject to the following conditions:

Defense’s terms:

At least 04 consecutive and regular enrollments

Positive report for defense from the supervisor.

A scientific article published in a famous scientific journal.

Academic presentations, if any.

To accept the defense, the scientific article is subject to conditions that are:

The article must be published permanently and not accepted for posting only.

Article must be published after the second year of enrollment.

The content of the article should be related to the thesis’s topic.

The article published in a specialized journal that should be related to the candidate’s research topic.

The journal should have an important role, or it should be in the list of known scientific databases.

The candidate must be in the first row as the main author of the article, provided that the supervisor is among the authors of the article.

As for the candidates, the acceptance of the defense’s documents requires that the published scientific article be subject to the above-mentioned conditions or at least the following conditions:

The article should be published in a well-known, national scientific journal that is subject to conventional scientific and academic standards.

The journal must be a regular periodical of at least 05 years and hold the ISSN standard number

The evaluation of the quality of the journal will be done by the members of the Faculty’s Scientific Council, taking into account that they can seek the assistance of an expert committee composed of 03 experts from outside the institution and an expert from within the institution, provided that the opinion of the majority is taken.

Important note: For articles published in magazines, newspapers and conference procedures, seminars, school days, you are required to adhere to the following criteria:


Name of attachment research laboratory or faculty

University Amar Telidji of Laghouat

BP 37G, Ghardaïa Path

03000 Laghouat, Algeria

Defense’s Document:

If the defense criteria are met, the document should contain:

A curriculum vitae of the candidate supported by the published works (forums, seminars, study days, conferences) during the preparation of the thesis.

Birth certificate No. 12.

Copies of enrollment certificates.

Regular enrollment certificates in PhD regarding Appendix 3 (download).

The proposal of the jury members of the defense is done by the supervisor.

Identification of the topic: The National Portal for the Reporting of Theses (PNST)

Supervisor’s report on the possibility to submit the thesis for defense, regarding Annex 1 (download).

A report on the scientific article, its context, and its relation to the thesis’s topic, Appendix 2 (download).

A copy of the article or articles published within the framework of the doctoral thesis.

National presentations or participations, if any.

Thesis’s summary (at least 10 pages and at most 20 pages).

A copy of the thesis.

The defense document is submitted by the student at the level of the Vice- Rectorate in Charge of Post-Graduation,  Rehabilitation and Scientific Research in order to validate it.

                       Doctorate in L.M.D. System:

Enrollment and re-enrollment: In order to enroll, the documents required are:

 The Enrollment’s document:

Request asking for enrollment (download).

Topic’s enrollment form (download).

Enroll on The National Portal for the Reporting of Theses (PNST) (A form to be found in the Faculty’s Graduation Service.

Honorary declaration not to enroll in any other university (download).

Non-affiliation to social security for non-employees or user authorization for employees (download).

Copies of the diploma: Baccalaureate – Licentiate – Master.

Copies of the Licence’s and Master’s academic transcripts.

Copies of the Master’s the diploma’s supplement (descriptive annex).

Birth Certificate No. 12.

03 pictures with name and surname written on the back.

Money order for enrollment fees (200 DZD).


Application for re-enriollment (download).

Evaluation form (download).

Honorary Declaration not to enroll for a PhD in any other university (download).

Non-affiliation to social security certificate for non-employees.

Money order for enrollment fees (200 DZD).

     As for students after the third year, the following documents should be added:

Application form asking for authorizing re-enrollment (download).

Conditions and Thesis’s Defense Documents:

Conditions for Defense:

Defense conditions for Ph.D. students who enrolled since academic year of 2015, 2016 and before:

At least 04 consecutive and regular enrollments.

Positive report for discussion from the supervisor.

A scientific article published in a famous scientific journal.

Academic presentations, if any.

Publication of at least one scientific article according to Article No. 17 of Ministerial Resolution No. 191 of July 16, 2012 (subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 01 (download).

Defense conditions for PhD students enrolled since the academic year of 2016-2017 and on:

Three consecutive registration years should be fulfilled.

Positive report for defense from the supervisor.

Proof of obtaining 180 points according to Article 34 of Ministerial Resolution No. 547 of 02 June 2016, as well as Appendix No. 2 of the same Order (download).

The Doctoral defense is subject to the following conditions:

To accept the defense, the scientific article is subject to following conditions:

The article must be published permanently and not accepted for publication only.

The article must be published after the second year of enrollment.

The content of the article should be related to the thesis’s topic.

The article should be published in a specialized journal that is related to the candidate’s research topic.

The journal should have an important role, or it should be in the list of known scientific databases.

The candidate must be in the first row as a main author of the article, provided that the supervisor is among the authors of the article.

For the defense to be accepted, the published scientific article must be subject to the above-mentioned conditions or at least the following conditions:

The article should be published in a well-known, national scientific journal that is subject to conventional scientific and academic standards.

The journal must be a regular periodical of at least 05 years and hold the International Standard Serial Number, ISSN.

  The evaluation of the quality of the journal will be by the members of the Faculty’s Scientific Council, regarding that they can seek the assistance of an expert team composed of 03 experts from outside the institution and an expert from within the institution, provided that the opinion of the majority is taken.

Important note: In order to unify the standards in our university with regard to articles published in magazines, newspapers and conference procedures, seminars, study days, you are required to adhere to the following criteria:



Name of attachment research laboratory or the Faculty

University Amar Telidji of Laghouat

BP 37G, Ghardaïa Path

03000 Laghouat, Algeria

Defense Documents:

If the defense criteria are met, the documents required are:

A curriculum vitae of the candidate supported by the published works (forums, seminars, study days, conferences) during the preparation of the thesis.

Birth Certificate.

Copies of enrollment certificates.

Regular enrollment certificate, Annex 3 (download).

The supervisor’s report to authorize the defense of the doctoral thesis, the Third Cycle, Annex 1 (download)

A report on the scientific article, its context, and its relationship to the thesis topic, Appendix 2 (download).

A copy of the article or articles published within the framework of the doctoral thesis

The proposal of the jury members by the thesis’s supervisor.

Identification of the topic: the enrollment document on the National Portal of Reporting Theses

The Scientific article.

For students enrolled since the academic year of  2016/2017 and on: a PhD student’s portfolio with confirmation of obtaining 180 points.

Thesis’s Summary (at least 10 pages and at most 20 pages)

A copy of the thesis

The defense document is submitted by the student at the level of the Vice- Rectorate in Charge of Post-Graduation, Rehabilitation and Scientific Research in order to validate it.

University Rehabilitation

Conditions for application for university rehabilitation:

University rehabilitation allows for teacher researchers or permanent researchers to supervise doctoral theses. In accordance with Resolution No. 170 of February 20, 2018, which specifies the modalities for applying the provisions related to university rehabilitation, the conditions required to run for university rehabilitation are:

To have obtained, at least (1) year ago, a doctorate degree in science (Classical System), a doctorate degree of the third cycle (L.M.D. System), or an equivalent certificate.

To be a lecturer of category B or a teacher researcher category B,

To have a prior experience in work for a period of at least three years.

Documents required:

The candidate’s documents for university rehabilitation include the following:

One (1) hard  as well as digital copy of the doctoral thesis,

Eight copies (8) of the university rehabilitation documents containing the following sections:

         The administrative section:

Handwritten cover letter addressed to the Rector of University

Honorary Declaration authenticated by the Municipality (document received by the university)

Birth Certificate

Curriculum Vitae

A prior experience statement (outlined services)

Professional career certificates (PV: Permanency and Upgrade, PV: Specific or Higher Grading)

Certificates obtained (Degrees of Baccalaureate, Magister, Master and Doctorate)

The Pedagogical Section

Teaching certificates (lectures, TD courses, applied activities)

Supervising the Master’s dissertations (attaching the reports of all the vivas or an outlined certificate of all of the vivas obtained after the Doctoral Degree, issued by the Head of Department)

A copy of the publication issued by the Scientific Board (the Scientific Committee or the Scientific Council) with a scanned copy of the report

 Other activities

Additional courses (audiovisual, online or printed lessons)

Orienting trainees

Participation in the relation between the university and the institution

Participation in pedagogic activities (seminar or workshops)

Participation in training in the doctoral studies (conferences or workshops)

Scientific Section

An outline of scientific and pedagogical accomplishments (from 5 to 10 pages)

PhD thesis’s summary (from 5 to 10 pages)

A copy of the article published after obtaining the Doctoral Degree in an accredited scientific journal

An international or national post-doctoral presentations (attach a certificate of participation and a copy of the presentation)

    Note: The articles and scientific publications that make up the Scientific Section must be part of the any contribution during the Ph.D. studies

Other activities

Post-doctoral articles

National or international presentations after the Doctorate

Academic publications

Research Projects (CNEPRU, PRFU)

Collaborating in the supervision of  the Magister and PhD studies

Participation in scientific activities (experience report, scientific demonstrations)

International cooperation (CMEP, Tempus)

Note: Every candidate for university rehabilitation takes into account the form and organization of the files above.

Doctoral theses that have been defended at the Faculty of Letters and Languages ​​level:

The Supervisor Thesis’s Title Dates of Defense The Superviees
Nacira LAKHAL The Poetry of Thresholds in the Narrative Text: An Analytical Approach to Contemporary Moroccan Samples 05/23/2017 Prof. Lakhdar  BEN EL-SAYEH


Ibrahim ROUADI The Use of the Verb in the Sufi Text between Lexical Significance and Conventional Significance – Attiyah’s Judgment as a Case Study 05/23/2017  

Prof. Mabrouk ZID EL-KHIR

Mustapha GASMIA Narration Techniques in the New Algerian Novel: Andalusian House by Ouassini Al-Aaraj as a Case Study 05/23/2017  

Prof. Boudaoud OUDNANI

Elabed AISSI The Imaginative and Argumentative Dimensions in the Ancient Literary Text through the Poetry of Al-Nabigha and Abu Al-Atahiya 05/11/2017 Prof. AbdelAlim BOUFATEH


The Deliberative values ​​in Analyzing the Discourse of Ibn Attiya through His Book, The Brief Editor 11/18/2017 Prof. Messaoud SAHRAOUI
Abdelkader ZIN Mechanisms for Analyzing the Qur’anic Discourse in the Books of Miracles:


11/27/2017 Prof. Mohamed KHALIFA
Omar RETIMI The Functional and Deliberative Dimensions of Al-Gharnati’s Approach to the Qur’anic Discourse in His Book: A Categorical Interpretation of the People with Atheism and the Disruption in Directing the Similarity of the Word from the Verse 11/29/2017 Prof. Mohamed KHALIFA
Belkhir DIB Patterns of Structures and Their Reporting Purposes in Arabic Rhetoric The End of the Briefing in the Knowledge of Miracles by Imam Fakhreddin Al-Razi 05/12/2017 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Radia OUAKI The Effectiveness of Rhythm in Poetic Imaging, Its Mechanisms in Receiving, Producing the Meaning “Tonal and Fine Formation Unit in Samples of Contemporary Poetry” 05/03/2018 Prof. Mohamed KHALIFA
Khalid KHENICHE Intertextuality in SonaAllah Ibrahim Al-Rawaai, Beirut Beirut – Turban and Hat and Voyeurism as Case Studies 07/03/2018 Prof. Aissa BRIHMAT
Naceur BENNANI The Critical Discourse of the Abbasid Poets: An Analytical and Descriptive Approach 05/06/2018 Prof. Aissa BRIHMAT
 Nabil BEN MALOUKA The Semantic Occasion between the Verses’ Ends and Beginnings in the Holy Quran 27/06/2018 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Saadia BEN YAHIYA The Effect of Cultural Components on the Space of the Algerian Novel, the Female Mirage, Ouassini El-Aaraj as a Case Study 30/06/2018 Prof. Aissa BRIHMAT
Mebarek RAACHE Using Information and Communication Technology (the Internet) in Developing Arabic Language Education for the First Year of Secondary Education as a Case Study for Experimental, Descriptive and Analytical studies 01/07/2018 Dr. Messaoud DADOUN
Djelloul TOUHAMI The Functional Approach in Arabic Linguistic Studies is an Applied Study of Verses Similar to Pronunciation in the Holy Quran 02/07/2018 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
 Fatima Zahra


Desert Authority and Narrative Game in the World of the Novelist,  Ibrahim  Elkaouni: An Analytical Approach 03/07/2018 Prof. Lakhdar BEN SAYEH
Amin KHAROUBI Rhetorical Innovation Strategy in the Book of Liberation and Enlightenment in the Study of Methods of Intrusion and Intimidation 07/07/2018 Prof. Messaoud AMEUR
Mira KARBOUA A Semantic Study of the Wording Indicating Time in the Quranic Text 03/12/2018 Dr. Mohamed Al-Amin KHOUILED
Abdelaziz TOUATI Verbal Match and its Implications in the Quranic Verse 12/13/2018 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Mohamed Alhabib MENADI The Deliberative Thinking of Al-Djahidh in the Book of Statement and Identification 07/01/2019 Prof. Messaoud SAHRAOUI
Miloud KESS Contemporary Critical Curricula and their Applications on the Quranic Discourse – Abu al-Qasim Haj Ahmad as a Case Study – Descriptive and Analytical Study 06/17/2019 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
 Noureddine BEN NAIDJA The Algerian novel, and the Vision of Tahar Ouatar, The World as a Case Study 23/06/2019 Prof. Boudaoud OUDNANI
Zineb DAOUDI The Book “The Population of the Language” by Ibn Duraid: A Descriptive, Critical and Analytical Study 09/07/2019 Prof. Mustapha CHERIGUEN
Abdelkader JAID Linguistic Values ​​and Their Characteristics in the Arabic Language: a Study of the levels of Analysis, Evaluation Criteria, and Work Mechanisms 10/07/2019 Prof. Tayeb DEBBA
Khaira AMAMRA The Deliberative Debate Discourse Literature of Andalusian Debates as a Case Study 09/15/2019 Prof. Aicha ABIZA
Taha Amin BOUDANA The Context of Solidarity in the Quranic Structure between Grammar, Rhetoric, and Semantics – a Theoretical and Practical Study 09/16/2019 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Bouzekri HAFNAOUI Acquisition of Lexical Skills in the Field of Teaching Arabic as a Primary Stage in Algeria as a Sample 10/14/2019 Prof. Aicha ABIZA
Tahar CHAREF Mechanisms of Selection and Juxtaposition in the Quranic Discourse 09/12/2019 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Sofiane BOUZNAK Al-Sahli’s Approach and Views on Language and Grammar through His Book – Al-Amaly (Hopes): A  Descriptive and Analytical Study 10/12/2019 Prof. Mabrouk ZID ELKHIR
Mebarka NEDJIMI The Structure of the Sign in the Quranic Discourse: A Semiotic Study 12/16/2019 Prof. Suleiman BEN ALI
Ismail BEN SMAIN The Pronoun and Its Grammatical Functions in the Quranic Discourse between Referral and Discourse References 12/17/2019 Prof. Mustapha CHERIGUEN