Faculty Council
The College Council consists of:
Bentaher Tijani, Dean of the faculty, Chairman.

Dr. Bahi Salami, Chairman of the Scientific Council.
Tasks of the faculty Council:
- Faculty development prospects.
- Programming training and research work in the faculty.
- Prospects for national and international scientific cooperation.
- Programming the work of continuous training, improving the level and renewing knowledge.
- Faculty Budget Project.
- The project of managing the human resources of the faculty.
- Contract projects, studies agreements, experience and the provision of services guaranteed by the faculty
- Running the faculty.
- The annual report of the faculty activities.
- The Council studies and proposes every measure that would improve the functioning of the faculty, encourage the achievement of its goals, and express its opinion on every issue brought up by the dean.
Calendar of the sessions:
- First session:
- Second session.
- Third session.