Dean’s word

I am herebydelighted to greet the faculty membersin particular and the university community in general, and to praise every effort that aims to achieve a paradigm shift in various areas of activity and the forward-looking prospects for the advancement of the training system of higher education and scientific research. We seek to pursue the value of openness towards all partners and valuing the spirit of cooperation shown by everyone in overcoming the obstacles faced.

In its intellectual, scientific and cultural dimensions, the mission of the University, which we collectively seek to improve,is toestablish a leading role in the training process and the valuation of research and to develop itstools, in accordance with the expected goals. That role whichenables the university to face the current challenges and works to achieve the desired developments.

This window is a space for thought-provoking ideas that concerns many areas. It contributes to the formation of an intellectual and epistemic balance that attains the mission of the faculty and records its effective attendance among the various institutions in force within the information network. Thus,we will strive to find the diversity that gives rise to the interest and gives importance to this space.

We are fully confident in your contributions to enrich the topics directly related to the concerns and aspirations of the university institution segment, andother fields of highertraining and scientific research. You will participate in the promotion and development of ways to perform and improve the quality of service in a manner similar to the quality of training and preserves the faculty’s place within its social fabric.

 Dean of the Faculty of Social sciences

Professor Dr. Tijani Bentahar