For more information:
Deadline: End of Rajab 1442 E/March 2021
For more information:
Deadline: End of Rajab 1442 E/March 2021
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has received the list of selected candidates for the Islamic Development Bank scholarship programs for the academic year 2020-2021.
Community Engagement Program-EEC sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and funded by the U.S. government and supported by the Non-Governmental Organization for National Research and Exchange (IREX). Offers a scholarship to people aged 20 to 27, on social networks and civil dialogue.
The deadline for applications is December 23, 2020.
We are pleased to announce the call pre-announcement for Pillar1 Long Term Joint AU-EU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy prepared by the coordinators with contributions of research agencies.
Important dates:
• 15 October 2020 Call pre-announcement
• 15 January 2021 Publication of the Call
• 1st April 2021 Deadline for Pre-proposal submission (mandatory)
• 15 June 2021 Communication of pre-proposal assessment
• 15 September 2021 Deadline for Full Proposal submission
• 30 November 2021 Communication of full-proposal assessment
• 1st May 2022 Latest starting date of selected projects
l’UNESCO lance un appel à candidature pour l’édition 2020″ International UNESCO -Guinée équatoriale pour la recherche en sciences de la vie.
Les candidatures sont à soumettre par le MESRS avant le 20 décembre 2020, date limite.
pour plus d’informations, cliquez ici:
l’Unesco offre des bourses MAB des jeunes scientifiques de 2021.
Les candidatures sont à soumettre au ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique avant le 05 janvier 2021 afin de les transmettre à l’UNESCO avant le 10 janvier 2021.
Pour de plus amples informations, cliquez ici: