
Publications Internationales


Ouladsaad, Sofiane, Allaoui, Omar, DAAS, Ahmed, “Boro-aluminizing of XC38 steel”, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT),Vol. 26(3): 2019, 239-243.


02 AbdelfatehBenmakhlouf, AbdennourBenmakhlouf, OmarAllaoui, SalahDaoud,“Theoretical study of elastic and thermodynamic properties of CuSc intermetallic compound under high pressure”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 57: 2018, 179-188. URL :
03 Allaoui Laid Abdelkrim, Allaoui Omar, “Corrosion resistance of borided layers obtained on XC38 steel”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (IJEMS),Vol.25(5): 2018, 421-424


04 H. Bourennane, D. Gueribiz, S. Fréour, F. Jacquemin,“Modeling the effect of damage on diffusive behavior in a polymeric matrix composite material”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 38(15): 2019, 717-733.
05 A. Tafer, M. Benalia, M. Djedid, H. Bouchareb & A. H. Al-dujaili,“Synthesis of four liquid crystals and study of alkyl chain effect on the nematic range for application in GC”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol. 665(1): 2018, 10-19.


06 Hayat Kherkhache, Imane Benabdelaziz, Artur M. S. Silva, Mokhtar Boualem Lahrech, Mokhtar Benalia & Hamada Haba,“A new indole alkaloid, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of crude extracts from Saccocalyx satureioides”, Natural Product Research,


07 Asma Boudaoud, Mebrouk Djedid, Mokhtar Benalia, Chifaa Ad, Hicham Elmsellem, Amina Zaid,“Effect of Chemical Modifications on the Adsorption of Nickel Ions Using Micro-Particles of Dry Palm Fibers”, Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, pp 149-150.


08 Chifaa Ad, Mebrouk Djedid, Mokhtar Benalia, Asma Boudaoud, Hicham Elmsellem, Fatiha Ben Saffedine,“Adsorptive Removal of Nickel (II) Using Luffa Cylindrica: Effect of NaCl Concentration on Equilibrium and Kinetic Parameters, Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, pp 1305-1306.


09 C.Ad, M. Djedid, M. Benalia, N. Nasser Saeed, H. Steli, S. Zaoui,H. Elmsellem,“Biosorption of cadmium from aqueous solution by Luffa Cylindrica”, European Journal of Chemistry, Environment and Engineering Sciences,Vol. 2(1): 2018, 1-8


10 M. Benghia,M. Benalia, M. Djedid, C. Ad, A. Boudaoud, H. Elmsellem, A.H. Al-Dujaili, “Thermodynamic study by gas chromatography of a homologous Series of Alkanes Using New Synthesized Liquid Crystals as Stationary Phases”, Moroccan Journal of Chemistry, Vol.6 (1), 2018,  203-212.


11 Chifaa Ad, Mebrouk Djedid, Mokhtar Benalia, Hicham Elmsellem,Asma Boudaoud,“ADSORPTIVE REMOVAL OF NICKEL (II) USING LUFFA CYLINDRICA: EFFECT OF NaCl CONCENTRATION ON EQUILIBRIUM AND KINETIC PARAMETERS”, Scientific Study & Research,Vol. 19 (2), 2018, 211 – 222.


12 Sami Zidelmel, Omar Allaoui, Omar Laidi, Ahmed Benchatti,“Influence of the Heat Treatments on Martensite Microstructure and Abrasive Wear Behavior of X52 Dual-phase Steel”, Advances in Modelling and Analysis B,Vol. 86(3): 2017, 582-592.


13 Azouani, O., Keddam, M., Allaoui, O., Sehisseh, A., “Kinetics of the Formation of Boride Layers on EN-GJL-250 Gray Cast Iron”, Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 6(4): 2017, 510-522.


14 K. Rayane , O. Allaoui , L. A. Allaoui, “Effect of Diffusion Annealing on Borides Layers Produced on XC38 Steel”,Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 521-523.


15 M. Djendel, O. Allaoui and R. Boubaaya,“Characterization of Alumina-Titania Coatings Produced by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying on 304 SS Steel”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 538-540.


16 R. Boubaaya , Y. Benarioua , O. Allaoui , M. Djendel,“Production of Chromium Boride Layers on Carbon Steel with Conversion Treatment: Chromium Deposition + Diffusion Annealing”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 541-543.


17 M. Khenifer, O. Allaoui, M.B. Taouti, “Effect of Boronizing on the Oxidation Resistance of 316L Stainless Steel”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 518-520.


18 A. Barkat , A. Hammou , O. Allaoui,“Effect of Boriding on the Fatigue Resistance of C20 Carbon Steel”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 813-815.


19 Boutessouna B., Allaoui O., Allaoui L.A., “Surface Carburizing by Valorization of Organic Waste”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 132(3): 2017, 1173-1175.


20 Azouani O., Keddam M., Allaoui O., “Characterization of boride coatings on a ductile cast iron”, Protection ofMetals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces,Vol. 52 (2): 2017, 306-311.


21 Kh. A. Ragab, M. Bouazara, A. Bouaicha & O. Allaoui,“Microstructural and mechanical features of aluminium semi-solid alloys made by rheocasting technique”,Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 33(6): 2017, 1-11.

22 Omar Allaoui, Lakhdar Taleb, Mouaad Brik, Clément Keller, Gael Marnier,“Fatigue of Extruded 2017A Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Non-Proportional Loading Paths”, Key Engineering Materials,Vol. 725: 2017, 334-338.


23 A. Kaouka, K. Benarous, A. Daas, S. A. Tsipas,“The Effects of Nb and Mo Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Journal of Surface Science and Technology, Vol. 33 (1-2): 2017, 53-62.


24 Y. Ayeb, A. Benghia, M. B.Kanoun, R. Arar,B.LagounS.Goumri-Said,“Elucidating linear and nonlinear optical properties of defect chalcopyrite compounds ZnX2Te4 (X=Al, Ga, In) from electronic transitions”,Solid State Sciences, Vol. 87, 2019, 39-48.


25 B.Bouali, S.Larbi, “Sequential optimization and performance prediction of an oscillating water column wave energy converter”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 131, 2017, 162-173.


26 A. BENCHATTI, A. D. HAMMOU, G. ZAZA, H. Saiah, “Fault Detection Method on a Compressor Rotor Using the Phase Variation of the Vibration Signal”, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, Vol. 30(8): 2017, 1176-1181.


27 M. Rezzoug, B. Bakchiche, A. Gherib, Ascrizzi R., FlaminiG., Ö. Kilinçarslan, Ramazan M.& Sanaa K. Bardaweel , “Chemical composition and bioactivity of essential oils and Ethanolic extracts of Ocimum basilicum L. and Thymus algeriensis Boiss. & Reut. from the Algerian Saharan Atlas”, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol. 19, 2019,


28 A. Bouziane, B. Bakchiche, M. I. Dias, L. Barros, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, H. A. AlSalamatand Sanaa K. Bardaweel,“Phenolic Compounds and Bioactivity of Cytisus villosus Pourr.”, Molecules, Vol. 23(8): 2018, 1994.


29 Omar Allaoui, Lakhdar Taleb,“Fatigue and Cyclic Behavior of 304L Stainless Steel in the Presence of Boriding Surface Treatment”,Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 703: 2016, 106-111.


30 A.T. Debicha, Karim Rayane, Omar Allaoui,“Modelling Phases Formed during Boriding for Estimation of the Depth of Boron through the Growing in Substrate by the Lattice Boltzmann Method”, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol. 369: 2016, 177-181.



Publications Nationales


01 Biosorption Characteristics of Zinc (II) from Aqueous Solution by Luffa Cylindrica, Algerian Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 2(3): 2018, 36-44.