HAMMADI Djamal a word from,vice  director responsible of pedagogy

Welcome to the institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities.

    The institute of sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities, Laghouat University, was incorporated into laghouat University as an Institute of Physical Education and Sport departement  in 2007, and as a institute  in 2010. Its mission is to educate and train professionals in sport and physical education (for children, adults and seniors, with and without special needs),  sport management, recreation and trainning. The Bachelors and Masters programmes are grounded in both theory and practice. The study programmes of Physical Education and Sport are also taught in arabic french and english .

      The institute  is also part of Masters degree programmes and doctorate , offering  master in sports and education and sports management Sports in cooperation with other major universities and scientific institutions like sports and youth direction and the university of algiers . At the Doctoral level, the institute  offers programmes in entertainment and in education and sports  field.

      The study programmes are supported by relevant research and enriched by co-operation at the local level with local authorities and various professional organizations, and at the international level with various foreign universities and international organizations like french faculties and turkish and many arabian universities. The Institute  has developed a considerable number of contacts with external and local  universities that facilitate student and academic staff exchange, and that enable participation in joint research projects. The Institute has strategies for provides opportunities for the education of the general public in the close future , offering a wide range of lifelong learning courses.

Dr Hammadi Djamal

0.555.684.460 :Phone number

Gmail: d.hamadi@lagh-univ.dz