The general secretariat
Mr AbdelHakem Rabeh
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The General Secretariat of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture is placed under the responsibility of the General Secretary
The general secretary of the faculty is responsible:
The General Secretariat of the faculty includes four (04) bodies:
Ensuring the continuation of the employee’s career from the day of installation until retirement.
Staff office contains two sections: teacher section and staff section.
The office includes two sections: The budget section, The Accounting section.
Providing maintenance in the faculty
Ensuring inventory management
Management of the faculty vehicle fleet
Delivering of purchase orders and receipts
Create an atmosphere of deliberate and creative competition of students in the scientific and cultural field by organizing cultural competitions between students and highlighting the scientific and cultural talents of students.
Organizing sports competitions and internships and other intellectual games and exploratory trips, and helping to improve their tastes, and deepen their education.