. Educational office

Department head: Mansouri Al-Mayhoub

E-mail: mihoub.mansouri@yahoo.fr

Phone: 0552541331


Service functions

– Academic year: requests are submitted to the department by filling out a form accompanied by justification for the study by the scientific committee, with the aim of preparing a report and sending it to the vice-Dean responsible for studies and questions related to students in order to review the decision made.

– Re-enrolment of drop-out students: After submitting a justified report for re-application, in case that the application is accepted, the reintegration decision and a certificate of re-registration will be issued by the Vice-Dean for submission at the department level in order to obtain the final registration.

Loss of card of student: This requires a declaration of loss to the concerned security authorities for the reproduction of a new card.

– Exclusion and abandonment of master or license students: only if the student is taking two courses at the same time.

New baccalaureate:

– Those who wish to take a training in architecture, or in civil engineering.

Registration form _ (Download) (digital file must be inserted).

– Transcript of marks from the last academic year.

– Registration fees.

Holders of a baccalaureate wishing to register for a master’s degree.

Registration is done via Progress.

Application for academic leave:

Note: The files are deposited at the department level.

File of reintegration application of abandoned students:

Request for a second copy of the student card: