Statistics, Information and Guidance office

Department head: BELHOUCHAT Mohamed
Phone: 0673341707
Tasks of the statistics, information and guidance service
- Statistics on new students enrolled and graduates in each specialty, voluntary dropout students (withdraw the educational file or cancel the enrolment); and all normal or unusual educational situations.
- Statistics on teachers according to their categories, in coordination with the personnel department (teachers’ fields), the data is obtained through the service mentioned in order to calculate the insurance rates of the modules in relation to the students; indicate the distribution of lectures and tutorials according to the teacher’s specialization in relation to course and tutorials. Head of domain, option manager and team leader.
- Preparation of paper and electronic posters: this service will be available to all cooperating departments, the statistics related to the subjects of presentations and training exhibitions available in the new specialties.
– (physical: paper in the form of tables and digital matrices, so that these two forms take: 1) an advertiser; large-format posters that summarize the training during university seasons.
- B) Saved credits or publications ready for the media and the supply of related to the developments; central management requirements and regional conferences of central universities; the process of adapting training offers, these are a tool, argument for the higher bodies represented by the relevant ministry. These files also contain the accurate data of the rooms, which constitute all educational activities (Conferences, laboratories for the applied workshops, laboratories for applied experiments).
Digital: Tables and digital matrices are adjustable by reducing or increasing recorded on protected storage media: CDs of all types, compact hard disks, stored in the mail and which can be copied in all cases during their remote processing, especially in emergency situations.
Preparing a guide of faculty and training, in order to attract the largest possible number of new registrants, so those who want to improve their curriculum university, for example, the process of moving from DEUA training to LMD training and obtaining the license. The process of moving from long-term training (engineer) to the second cycle of the LMD system for obtaining the Master’s degree, regardless of the type of academic or professional training offering or not the possibility of participating in the third step of the LMD system and registration for (DLMD).
The role of the faculty guide and its training is not limited to this. The rectorate of the University has attached great importance to students of all social classes, emphasizing the preparation of this guide to include:
– The precise volume of hours of training according to each level, developed, for conferences and workshops according to the framework and ministerial decisions.
– The University’s internal regulations.
– How to calculate the absences.
The time schedules: The novelty has become usual is the realization of these time schedules at the end of each semester, so that they are accessible for everyone via the official website of the university, even before the baccalaureate results, and before the start of the internal and external transfer process.
– Preparation of official configuration presentation files (number of units and their declaration by listing the standards for each unit and the corresponding balances and transactions).
– Entities authorized to integrate graduate students into the job market.
- Monitoring and improving the publications of the faculty, in particular the updating of the Web page; scientific production which is a factor, for each scientific and research institution.In this sense, the will of the administration of the University is to highlight this aspect by exporting these versions of the browser page of the University of Amar TELIDJI.
- Follow the planning and examinationcalendars on the web page.