Pr BENLAHRECH Zakia batoul Hospitalo-University Professor in
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Word from the Dean
The Faculty of Medicine at Amar TELIDJI University in Laghouat, is one of three faculties of medicine initiated in the south of the country in 2011, intended to train doctors who will serve the citizens of this vast region. She also contributes to the formation of coaching for the various health structures programmed in these wilayas.
At present, our faculty includes 01 Professor, 02 Lecturers class A, 01 Lecturers class B and 27 Master Assistants in activity. We also welcome the growing number of teachers of magisterial rank in various specialties, invited to strengthen our guidance, to whom I express my encouragement.
At this stage I am proud of this support and the young students who have challenged together all the difficulties encountered. The University of Laghouat has made great efforts to launch and maintain this structure with the same standards as other medical schools across the country. We are continuing this process to implement the overhaul of medical science curricula.
We are currently working on the creation of a simulation centre, a research laboratory, and a new stream. We also work through the establishment of twinning and national and international collaboration projects with different faculties.
Prerogatives of the Dean
The dean of the faculty exercises his prerogatives in accor
dance with Executive Decree No 03-279 of 23/08/2003 laying down the missions of the university and the rules of its organization and operation, as amended and supplemented.
In this respect, he: