The University Amar Telidji of Laghouat (UATL) follows the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard to report its carbon emissions:

    1. Scope Identification: UATL identifies and categorizes its emissions into three scopes as defined by the GHG Protocol:
      • Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, such as on-campus vehicles, heating systems, and generators.
      • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating, cooling, or steam consumed by UATL.
      • Scope 3: Indirect emissions from sources not owned or controlled by UATL, including commuting, waste generation, and purchased goods and services.
    2. Data Collection: UATL collects relevant data on energy consumption, transportation, waste generation, and other activities contributing to carbon emissions across all scopes. This data is obtained from utility bills, transportation records, procurement invoices, and other sources.
    3. Emissions Calculation: Using emission factors provided by recognized sources or specific data provided by utilities, UATL calculates the carbon emissions associated with each activity and source within the three scopes.
    4. Reporting and Documentation: UATL compiles the calculated emissions data into a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory report, detailing emissions by scope, sources, and emission factors used. The report includes explanations of methodologies, data sources, and any assumptions made during the calculation process.
    5. Verification and Assurance: UATL may choose to undergo external verification of its GHG inventory to ensure accuracy, reliability, and compliance with the GHG Protocol standards. This verification process may involve independent auditors reviewing data collection methods, calculations, and reporting procedures.
    6. Analysis and Action: UATL analyzes the GHG inventory report to identify emission hotspots, trends, and opportunities for emission reduction. Based on this analysis, UATL develops strategies, policies, and initiatives to mitigate carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and promote sustainable practices across campus.
    7. Communication and Transparency: UATL communicates its carbon emissions data, reduction efforts, and sustainability achievements to stakeholders through annual sustainability reports, websites, and other communication channels. This promotes transparency, accountability, and engagement with the university community and the public.

By following the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard or another commonly used standard, UATL demonstrates its commitment to measuring, managing, and reducing carbon emissions in line with internationally recognized best practices for corporate greenhouse gas accounting.